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By accessing feetoverforty.com and toewigglers.com, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use and agree that you are responsible for the agreement with any applicable local laws. If you disagree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from accessing this site. The materials contained in feetoverforty.com and toewigglers.com, with the exception of foot cam directory and promotion, are protected by copyright.

2. Use License

With the exception of screen captures used for foot cam promotion, permission is only granted to temporarily download the materials on feetoverforty.com and toewigglers.com, for personal, non-commercial, transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not: 1. modify or copy the materials; 2. use the materials for any commercial purpose or for any public display; 3. attempt to reverse engineer or hack the site in order to circumvent payment or to access subscriber's content; 4. remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials; or 5. transferring the materials to another person or "mirror" the materials on any other server. 6. This will allow Infoseen Enterprises Inc. to terminate violaters of any of these restrictions. Upon termination, your viewing right will also be terminated and you should destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether it is printed or electronic format.

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You do not need a PayPal account to purchase a password. Our billing is processed through Pay Pal and your credit card statement will show a PayPal payment to INFOSEENENT.

4. Disclaimer

The materials on feetoverforty.com are provided “as is”. Infoseen makes no warranties, may it be expressed or implied, therefore negates all other warranties. Furthermore, Infoseen does not make any representations concerning the accuracy or reliability of the use of the materials on feetoverforty.com and toewigglers.com, or materials or any sites linked to this Website.

5. Children’s Safety

There is no adult content in the model photography and video content on feetoverforty.com and toewigglers.com, unless you consider feet to be for adult eyes only.

6. Promotion of other websites

The screen captures of webwide foot streams are meant as promotion material for it's creator. However, if its creator is opposed to its inclusion in feetoverforty.com, please contact the webmaster to have it immediately removed. Foot video content creators looking to promote their efforts to foot lovers, are welcome promote their content on feetoverforty and toewigglers.com.